Yoga books for beginners
In twenty-one years of yoga practice, many books have contributed to my yoga journey. Out of all those books, I have selected what I consider to be must-read yoga books for beginners.
The combination of the five selected books gives a broad insight into yoga, as a way of life. Not only from the physical practice perspective.
If you have been on the yoga path for a while, you may know some or all of these books. If, however, you are thinking about starting to practice, they will give you a good understanding and a solid base.
Until I started to practice, I knew absolutely nothing about yoga and its philosophy. But yoga grows on you and you grow with yoga and only part of this growth come from books. Most growth comes from practice on the mat and in daily life.
Each of the mentioned books appeared in my life at very providential moments. Although there is no recommended order, I will present them in the same order I have read them.
Hope you enjoy.
1 – Thought Power
I had just started my yoga journey when my teacher, Luis Lima, offered me the Thought Power, by Swami Sivananda. Understandably, this is the first on my list of yoga books for beginners.
It awakened my curiosity about matters of the mind and helped me realize that I could change my life by changing the way I thought. Yoga was a way of helping to me get there.
I was fascinated by this little book, which I’ve had now for twenty-one years and is sitting right next to me as I write this post.
Along with the practice, this book deeply inspired me and paved the way to a life committed to a yoga journey.
Second, in my list of yoga books for beginners is YOGA – Your Home Practice Campanion. Also by the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center.
It presents good images of the asanas (yoga poses) and its sequences and the benefits of each pose. Furthermore, it explains the pillars of yoga, namely, proper breathing, meditation and positive thinking, yoga practice, relaxation, and proper diet.
In addition to basic and technical information about yoga practice, this book also includes delicious healthy recipes. And to complete the information for a blissful living, it includes positive affirmations for the twelve months of the year.
The next two books in my list of yoga books for beginners are both by the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda.
Living Fearlessly is part of the “How-to-Live Series”, a collection of practical wisdom books focused on self-realization. In other words, “knowing our true nature as divine beings”.
In this small pocketbook, Paramahansa Yogananda shows us how to handle fear and overcome our self-created limitations.
Meditation, correct attitude and actions are the highlights of practical daily life tips to achieve inner harmony, peace and joy.
This booklet sheds a very different light onto success than what our consumerist and appearance-based western society lives by.
It is an inspirational guide to success aimed at those who see success beyond the boundaries of material things.
In the realm of the teachings of this booklet, success is achieved through the power of faith, the power of thought and the power of will.
In The Law of Success, success is measured by health, prosperity and happiness.
Eighteen years after my first yoga class with Luis Lima, I finally went on a yoga retreat led by him. The yoga retreat was held on the beautiful Portuguese island of Madeira.
Eager and prepared to dive deeper into the yogic philosophy, I questioned Luis about which books I should read.
One of his suggestions, the fifth on my list of yoga books for beginners, was The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali. This book is a compilation of 196 sutras, or aphorisms, containing the basis of yoga philosophy and practice.
Though not fully proven, the sutras were put together by Patanjali, a man, or several individuals under the same name, who is believed, to have lived between 5000 B.C. to 300 A.D.
Each sutra presents a teaching and its collection is a guide to one’s yogic journey.
Yoga books for beginners – Final thoughts
I believe that everything in our lives happens when it needs to happen and for a specific reason. However, we may or may not understand it at that particular moment.
It took me eighteen years to collect what I now call the five must-read yoga books for beginners. These five books come into my life precisely when I needed them and when I was ready for them.
That being said, I am going to assume that if you are reading this is because you are interested. I am going to further assume that you will start by the one(s) you are ready for.
My deepest wish is that these books guide your spiritual journey of balance and inner peace, as they assisted me.
Do you have a reference yoga book? Please share it in the comments below. I woul be glad to check it out.
May The Bliss be with you!
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