The activities listed below are part of my daily routine and are hence contributors to my positive mindset.
Hope some of them help get your spirit high.
2- Meditation
4- Positive and inspirational books
5- Grow vegetables, herbs and/or flowers
7- Contact people who make you feel good
10- Online courses
A gratitude journal is a way of registering all the things you are grateful for in your life. You may choose to include basic things such as the availability of food for every meal of the day or having good health. On the same trend of thought, you may also include the clothes you own that keep you warm and even the roof over your head. One of my favourites is the abundance of love in my life thanks to my family and friends.
On a different note, you can then go on to list things that surround you, like nature and even material things that maybe make your life easier and better. The choice is yours.
Choose 5 things to write down every day and while you do so focus on each thing you are listing. Feel the deep joy and gratitude for having each listed item in your life.
This can be done in the morning, to set a positive mood for the day, or at the end of the day to wrap up the day on a good note.
There are many Yoga Nidra videos on YouTube, in different languages. In the beginning, try a few different ones and choose the one you are more comfortable with. I would choose the search term “Yoga Nidra for beginners”. If you are not familiar with the chakras, their names and what they represent, I also suggest you do some previous research as well.

Never practised yoga? It is always a good time to start. I suggest you read my post Common myths about yoga. 4 Misconceptions to disregard.
You can also read some of my other posts about yoga for beginners.
Choose a time and place where you can have some privacy for about one hour. You can start with 20 or 30 minutes and gradually increase your practice to about one hour.
Here is a book to help you get started.
Also, I highly suggest you check out the yoga blog Yoga with Adriene to help you get started. Adriene’s method is super fun yet effective. I love her “find what feels good” yoga style.
I like to put classical music or instrumental Indian music on the background, at a low volume, just to set the mood.
Here are some of my favourite books to inspire you and help you stay positive and healthy.

Watching seeds grow into seedlings, then into small plants and eventually into fully developed fruit or vegetable is so inspiring. It helped me connect with nature in an unprecedented and unexpected way.
Growing your own food will make you appreciate what you eat, with the advantage of knowing where your food is coming from.
Whether you live in a house with a garden space or an apartment, as long as you have a sunny spot you can grow some vegetables and herbs. You will be surprised at the variety of food you can grow in an apartment, using vases.
The first book I bought was Veg in one bed, by Huw Richards, but there many other books out there as the trend of growing your own food increases.
In case you want to grow food in a small space, you can also check out Grow your own vegetables in pots and containers, by Paul Peacock.

Why not try new things, like exploring healthy vegan cuisine?
Look at these inspiring vegan cookbooks.
) for inspiration and check out some of my easy vegan recipes (great for healthy snacks).
You may be surprised by how good producing healthy, nutritious and delicious food will make you feel.
Contacting people who make me feel good is my favourite therapy against the blues. I am not talking about phone calls to complain. No, no, no. Instead, I am talking about that person that makes you smile just as they pick up the phone.
Recently, I have been contacting good old friends with whom I have not spoken in a long while. What a wonderful feeling!
Have projects sitting in the drawer?
Now is a good time to get them out. Whether you have a business idea you want to explore, a blog you want to start, a course you want to take, a book or e-book you want to write, now is the time.
I am recently taking time to set in motion numerous things that were on standby. Taking certain online courses on subjects that interest me and will contribute to the next chapter of my life, learning to grow my own vegetables and planning my next business are only a few of projects I have picked up. Yes, maybe I have too much on my plate, but the beauty of it is that it keeps me busy, happy and my mood is at its best! After all, I am doing things I love.
Maybe it is too early to book tickets and hotels, but there is nothing wrong with planning.
Make a list of a few of your favourite destination options and start your virtual visits on YouTube.
You can also find some inspiration on our Travel Page, our YouTube channel and our travel resources.
Consider longer trips to one place instead of hopping around many destinations. This way you can better explore your chosen destination, learn more about its culture and help the community that is welcoming you.
Planning a trip?
There are so many subjects that I want to learn for which I would like to achieve certification. The are many options out there, like eDX, Coursera, Center of Excellence, Udemy and many more. Your subject of interest will determine which is the best place to search.
Ever since I took nutrition and health courses at WageningenX on eDX, I’ve been hooked to online courses!
Which of the above suggestions resonate most with you?
Do you have any additional suggestions?
Leave your answer in the comments below.
May The Bliss be with you!
Hi there, I'm Luciana,
If you are looking to improve your mindset, boost your self-confidence and vitality, raise your vibration, AND you are yoga-curious, you have landed in the right place!
I am The Midlife Bliss coach and yoga teacher, passionate about empowering women in midlife.
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