We came across Flourish Organics products at the Salmon Leap Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast, in Glenflesk, County Kerry, during our first trip to Ireland to attend TBEX Ireland 2017. The products had such a positive impact on our skin and hair and the aromatherapy properties were so obvious and soothing that after our first shower we decided that we just had to pay them a visit before leaving Killarney.
After all, they were just about ten minutes away.
Organic skincare from Flourish Organics
Early Saturday morning, after checking out from the B&B, we headed toward Clonkeen, in search of the nearby production unit of Flourish Organics. We drove through rolling hills while thoroughly enjoying the view and stopping here and there to take in the cool morning breeze and appreciate the most gloriously green pastures.
After forty minutes driving around under drizzling rain, we decided to go back to the B&B to ask the exact location as there was no one around to ask for directions. Not even Google maps cound help us and the company website did not specify the exact address. We were soon to find out why.

Back at Salmon Leap Farmhouse, M. O’Donoghue was kind enough to accompany us in the car to indicate the way. We drove back through the narrow dirt tracks and after about 7 to 10 minutes arrived at the quaint country house where aroma therapist Geraldine Woessner and her husband Klaus Woessner live and work.

Adjacent to their home is a small stone house where all the products are handmade, with the finest natural, mostly organic, products. Gerardine was not home, but Klaus gave us a brief of the company and showed us around explaining that “The business was a natural evolution of Geraldine’s personal need to find natural and affordable skin products to solve her own sensitive skin issues”.
Having very sensitive skin that reacted to all traditional skin products, Gerardine took advantage of her expertise as an aroma-therapist, researched extensively and made numerous tests until she came up with the present formulas. The products were such a success amongst friends and family, eager to also have access to the products, that what started as a personal need ended up developing into a brand.
We only had the opportunity to try the Grapefruit & Lime Hand and Body Wash (http://www.flourishorganics.com/products.asp?p=hand-and-bodywash) (€9.50 for 200ml) and the shampoo, which is specially made for Salmon Leap Farmhouse, but we will be ordering some additional products soon and highly recommend you to do the same.
Here are their contacts: (Do call before showing up!)
Geraldine Woessner and Klaus Woessner
Phone: +353 087 3114354
Happy travels!
P.S. - Have you booked your next trip yet? Check out our travel resources for the best deals on flights, accommodation, travel insurance, car rentals, tours and anything you need for a memorable vacation. Better yet, check 10 Steps for planning an unforgettable trip.
Homemade Beauty and Organic Products
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