Finding the Bliss

Numerology and Life Passion (Bonus: peek into 2020)

Numerology and life passion

Finding the Bliss with Numerology

I have spent the past years thinking, writing and talking about Finding the Bliss. More specifically, about finding purpose, fulfilment and ultimate happiness in life, even when the going is tough.

In the process, I became very observant and consequently interested in how people find bliss in their lives. Some people turn their lives around by choice, while others are forced by circumstances and end up stumbling upon their passions.

With that in mind, I decided to interview people I come across, from different backgrounds and professions, who have one thing in common. They are all living their dreams and passions or are actively working on it.

If you are at a stage in your life when you need change, I hope this series of interviews will inspire you to move forward.

From banking to numerology

Since we are at the end of the year and there are always expectations about the year to come, my first interview is with a bank officer turned numerologist.

 Let’s meet Henrique Pinto.

LPM: Hi Henrique, tell us a little bit about yourself. Where were you born, and what is your professional background?

HP: Hi, first of all, thank you for this opportunity for telling you and your readers, about myself and my experience with Numerology. And also congratulations on this amazing project, Finding the Bliss.

I was born in Rio de Janeiro, our country, Brazil, and I came to live in Portugal in 1982, with almost 13 years of age.

I have a degree in Management, from the Oporto Economics University. After university, I started working in banking, in Corporate Credit Risk and worked in banking for almost 20 years.

The bank where I worked for almost 15 years hardly survived the 2008 financial crisis. Eventually, they run into financial problems and started laying off employees. I left in 2012, three years before the bank was closed, at the end of 2015.

Since then, I’ve been doing temporary jobs, and now, since last year, I’ve been working in real estate.

Parallel to my jobs, I have also been making lots of Numerology consultations, presentations, and workshops for almost 10 years.

LPM: How did the Numerology come into your life?

HP: I was truly unhappy during most of the later years in the bank. I needed something to calm me down and started looking for some kind of meaning to my life.

It all began with yoga. Than I discovered reiki, but my reiki master got sick and had to do a surgery. When I went to visit her, I gave her a book about Numerology that I picked up in a book store. That book really got to me! I read some parts of it and decided I had to buy one for myself. I loved it so much that I contacted the author and ended up taking a course with her.

LPM: How did you realize that Numerology was your passion?

HP: When I finally applied Numerology to my personal data, and it really answered some questions, it all made sense to me. Not to mention that the process was really intuitive. I did not need to do any kind of effort to understand and memorize really big amounts of information.

I had never felt that before. In college and during all the years working in the bank, I had to read, memorize things, rules, meanings. There was always some kind of effort envolved. With Numerology and the interpretation of numbers, things flowed – it was easy, or intuitive.

But what really made me fall in love with it, was the fact that I really began to see that with Numerology I could help people and that made me feel really good.

In all my academic training and work I was surrounded by numbers, but now, I feel that numbers can help.

LPM: When did you decided to take Numerology to a professional level?

HP: After making my Numerology study, or map, I started to do the maps of friends and relatives. I had very positive feedback as the readings worked very well.

Then I asked for some of them to give me data from some people I don’t know, and when I did the studies, good results were achieved as well.

One day one friend invited me to be at an event of natural therapies, and self-knowledge, and there I had my first paid client. In the beginning, it was a challenge, but then I realized how I was completely fluid with it. I knew then that Numerology was the perfect activity for me.

LPM: Henrique, please explain to our readers what is Numerology.

HP: Numerology is ancient knowledge, with thousands of years, that studies the presence of numbers in our lives. Each number has some specific type of energy, that corresponds to certain characteristics, or situations. This ancient knowledge was passed on through times and then was systematized by Pithagoras in V b.C.

One’s date of birth is like a universal code, a signature. With some arithmetical operations with those digits that compose the birth date, we can fill the map to study many pieces of information about our life path.

Also, our name is translated into numbers that give us information about personality.

Find out more about Numerology and Pithagoras here.

LPM: How should Numerology be used?

HP: For me, the Numerology Map is a precious instrument of self-knowledge. Sometimes, people come to me thinking that I will guess their future. Instead, they leave with many questions to think about, because the self-knowing process implies a lot of introspection.

Sometimes we need to question unfinished matters, but that’s essential to move on and learn with the experience.

A Numerology Map shows us precious information. For example, what is our mission; what we should do in this life, what lessons must we learn, the type of situations are correlated with the mission, why we attract this or that situation, the different cycles of life, what characteristics or situations occur in our lives and results from subconscious patterns, characteristics of personality, our year energy (changes every year), the interaction of number and name (the main strength and the main weakness of that combination – yes, our full name and our short name, or commercial name, can help, be neutral or harm our mission).

LPM: There is a lot of scepticism about numerology and some people call it a pseudo-science. What is your reaction to these beliefs?

HP: For me, it’s not an issue and it should not be a discussion. I don’t care if we can call it or not a science. It cannot be a science because it cannot be proven by scientific method or experience. That’s why I prefer to avoid calling it a science and I call it ancient knowledge. What matters for me is to answer this question: Numerology can or cannot help people better understand themselves and those around them, to improve their lives? I think it can and that’s the most important for me.

Numerology is not guessing, although it can be misunderstood and taken as a guessing art. A part of the map tries to show us some guidelines of what can happen, but always from a probability point of view, not deterministic. I don’t say: ”This will happen, I say, this or that has a probability of happening” – it’s different. It’s useful information because we can be prepared for anything when it happens.

But for me, the main part of the Map has to do with your personality, the challenges we are supposed to face, and the lessons we must learn. The main theory is that if you align your life, and what you do, or how you react to what happens to you, with this lessons and mission, life will be more complete and happy. That doesn’t mean a life without problems, without some kind of troubles now and then. But the way you deal with them will change and you will overcome them more easily if you align your life with this knowledge, because you will understand what the Universe wants from you.

LPM:We are about to enter a new year. What do the numbers tell us about 2020?

HP: The number energy for 2020, is number 4. We add the digits of a year to know what is the base number energy for that year: 2+0+2+0 = 4.

In Numerology, each number means not one idea or situation, but it is connected to some ideas, or situations or characteristic. Number 4 is related to the following themes:

1. Work, Effort, Focus, Discipline, Method.
Maybe the main force at play this year is the need for work capacity for almost anything. Whatever projects, or situations we have in place, we’re gonna need to work hard for them. Work, resistance, everything will require some kind of effort, nothing will come easy. We must maintain our focus, and have to be careful with distractions. Discipline is another enlightened word this year. Method, self-discipline if you work alone or by yourself, or have to deal with discipline issues if you are an employee.

The focus is at work, but this energy can be manifested in other areas of life too. For those who are called a workaholic, this can be a warning: be extra careful if you work too much (the energy will be strong, so watch for your health). For those who don’t have a hard-working mindset, this could be a tough year. Always remember: the energy changes every year, nothing is forever.

2. Structure, Roots, Home 

Everything that means our home, our place, our spot in the world. We need to have a place, or a group of people, or anything that give us that feeling of a nest, a safe place. We will feel that need to preserve, sometimes to fight for, to defend, to spend more time in it. Maybe, in some cases, to homestay more than at other times.

Whatever gives us a sense of structure will be on the spotlight. The places were our roots are, too. If you are away from home, you’ll miss it more. It’s a time when we feel that connection. Sometimes, can be a kind of new home – a place where we felt good and wish to go back or wish to be our next home.

3. Time, Patience, Perseverance, Persistence, Routine
It’s slow energy. Everything takes time, and time, as we know it, is relative. Sometimes, things, and processes, and projects will take extra time. In an energy year 4, we are invited by the Universe to relax, take a deep breath and, not stop (on the contrary, work hard), but also understand that time is needed for our thoughts to become rooted, to be strengthened.

We are invited or in some cases, challenged, to learn about patience, to control our ambition, or our nervous system (definitely a challenge nowadays), and learn the time lesson.

Beware that numbers are in a continuous path. So, this is a year 4, which means that we left a year 3(2019) then we’ll go to a year 5 (2021). So there’s a logic, a cycle. Ask yourself what was beginning for you in 2017, our late energy year 1. It can be just a will or a thought. It doesn’t need to be an action or something concrete initiated. But does what you are doing now, and feeling, have to do with it? So, that’s a process. 2020 will be a “waiting year” – not a passive one, we have to keep working, but it’s a consolidation year.

Those who don’t want any kind of routine in his/her life maybe will have a tough year. For those who don’t want many deep changes, this is going to be a good year. Perseverance and persistence, always needed, but in the spotlight also this year.

4. Savings, Money, Firmness, Rigid Mind
Be careful with money, with spending money. Deal with savings, avoid unnecessary spendings. This is a very important warning for any year, but especially in a year 4. Be careful also if you tend to have a rigid mind if you don’t accept changing and defying ideas.

LPM:One last question. Did you find your bliss through Numerology?

HP: I am on that path. It’s an on-going process and definitely, Numerology showed me and is still showing me, what I need to understand what is happening to me.

Now, I have an idea of how it will be when I get to the point where I can say I found it (bliss). I know what I want and what I still have to work on myself to get there. With no doubt, the combination of Numerology and helping people will be there. Thank you so much!


Henrique Pinto found his passion when he least expected and in a moment of his life when he was needing new direction. Numerology revealed itself as a passion but also gave him clarity as to where his self-development journey needs to take him.

We never know where and how our questions will be answered, do we? That’s why it is good to keep tuned in to what the Universe has to tell us!

If you are curious about what the numbers have to say about your life mission and so many other interesting aspects of your life, give Numerology a try. I did and found it quite fascinating.

You will find Henrique Pinto on his Numerology Facebook page or Whatapp (+351 915 855 592 – Portugal). Henrique speaks fluent Portuguese and English.

Wishing you 2020 full of Peace, Love, and Joy.

May The Bliss be with you,


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