Finding the Bliss

Let go and move on

Let go and move on

To move forward in life we must learn to let go and move on. 

Letting go of the old and moving onto the new is a courageous step that we sometimes take for granted. 

When we feel stuck or feel the need to take a different direction, attachment can hold us back.

Most things that keep us static are related to attachment. We tend to get attached to people, places, things and situations mainly due to fear of the unknown.

Getting out of our comfort zone can be difficult but also very exciting.

As my favourite Transformation Coach, Jack Canfield sais,

“It is those very things that we are most afraid to do that provide the greatest liberation and growth…”

It is up to us to take 100% responsibility for our lives and identify what holds us back and let go of it.

In order to move toward our dreams, goals and objectives we must leave behind what no longer serves us. 

I know this is easier said than done, but at the end of the day, it is in our own interest.

Relationships, friendships, jobs, even hobbies that no longer serve us, stop us from going where we want to go.

 So what do you prefer to do?

 Stick around, leave things unchanged and regret it months or years down the road, and blame yourself for it?

 Or make sure you clear the way to go from where you are to where you want to be?

By not making space for new things in our lives we are only being cruel to ourselves.

Food for thought…

 May The Bliss be with you!

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