Finding the Bliss

How to prepare for your first yoga class

How to prepare for your first yoga class

New to Yoga? Need help to prepare for your first yoga class? Let me give you some insight on how to prepare and what to expect from your first yoga class.

 I am presuming that if you have found this post, either you have decided to take your first yoga class or you are at least thinking about taking this life-changing step.


You have made a very wise decision that will benefit you in ways you cannot imagine. If you are prepared to take yoga seriously and start practising with consistency, in a few months you will be thanking yourself for taking this step.

Prepare for your first yoga class

I remember to this day my first yoga class. I was anxious because yoga was a total incognita to me. It had never been on my fitness radar before. I didn’t know at all what to expect.

As I mentioned in Common myths about yoga. 4 misconceptions to disregard, my first yoga class was a private, one-to-one class with the teacher, which made me even more nervous.

In those days I was extremely self-conscious of my body (something that, overt time, yoga practice helped me overcome). It was 1998. I was 28 and in a phase of my life when I was in desperate need of direction and emotional healing and I cannot express how grateful I am today for having taken that first class.

If I had not started to practice yoga this blog would not exist.

Now, let’s set you up for your big day!

Keep in mind that yoga is for all ages, all body types, all levels of flexibility and yoga knowledge. It is a very personal experience that evolves on its own.

 Here are some important guidelines:

Eating and mindfulness

Don’t eat at least two hours before class and don’t drink too much water or any other liquid. A yoga class takes about one hour and fifteen minutes and the last thing you want is to have to run to the WC right in the middle of class, or even worse to hold your physiological needs during class! (Never do that. It’s very detrimental to your bladder.)

 Calm your mind. Before going to class, listen to calm music, don’t read or watch the news and choose not to have fiery conversations or disturbing thoughts. One of the benefits of yoga is to relax and gain clarity, so take a few minutes to put your mind at ease. It will help you to fall into deep relaxation, which will be the first step of any yoga class.

Be patient – Do you know the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? The same saying applies to the positive effects yoga will have on your well-being. You may come across moments of frustration for not being able to reach the poses as other people do, or feel a bit rusty and not flexible enough, or you may even fall behind on the sequences. Don’t worry. Yoga is the opposite of worrying. Just hang in there with intent and determination and you will gradually see progress.

Health is wealth, peace of mind is happiness, yoga shows the way”.

Swami Vishnu Devananda

Founder of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and Ashrams.

What to wear

Comfortable clothes – don’t wear pants opened at the end because they slide and can be uncomfortable. Use leggings or baggy yoga pants with elastic.

Comfortable top, but not very loose, because if you are self-conscious, as I used to be, you will feel uncomfortable when you end up with your belly or back exposed. I personally like tight tops because they don’t move!

Ladies, if you need it, choose a comfortable bra. Use either a sports model or one that holds everything tight and in place. I always wear sports bras.

Gentlemen, the same theory goes to your underwear!

Tips for the winter or colder days: you will need to be barefoot for most of the class, besides the initial and final relaxation, when the body temperature drops. If you are always cold, as I am I suggest yoga socks.

No accessories. No watches, jewellery or accessories, as they may get in your way and even hurt you. Remember, yoga is a moment of detachment.

Put your hair upLadies and gentlemen with long hair put your hair up in a ponytail. You don’t want to have hair getting in the way of your asanas.

(Check out our online shop THE BLISS SHOP for Yoga apparel.)

Choose a good eco-friendly yoga mat

Look for a yoga mat, not just an exercise mat. They are quite different! Yoga mats allow you to grip well to them and that is not necessarily the case in regular exercise mats.

Cheaper is definitely not better. A lot of cheap yoga mats will not even stay opened properly, they will stay curved at the ends and not grip to the floor, and they may be slippery so you will not grip to them!

Choose an eco-friendly mat, with no toxic materials

(Check out our online shop THE BLISS SHOP for a vast selection of eco-friendly Yoga mats.)

Taking water to class

My suggestion is to leave the water in the locker room. I do see some people taking water to class, but I choose not to so as drinking water will interfere with the flow, not to mention that you may need to leave the class for a quick pit stop to the WC, thus interrupting your practice.

n addition, I find it that drinking water, even before class can become uncomfortable, especially when you are doing inversions.

However, if you are planning on trying a hot yoga or a power yoga class, you may need water. I cannot confirm because to this day I never tried!

Getting used to yoga terminology

Be prepared to hear unusual names for the yoga positions, or poses, called asanas.

Check the 12 basic yoga poses. Here is my favourite link for that purpose.

Be familiar with the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar).

My two yoga guidebooks

(Click on the images for details)

Yoga retreats

If you would rather integrate your first yoga experience into a short (or long) getaway, I recommend choosing a yoga retreat somewhere in the world.

Click the image below to check out the worldwide offers on  BookYogaRetreats .

Now you are all set for your first yoga class!

I hope that this article was useful to you and it that it will contribute to your decision to hop on the mat!

You will not regret it. Promise. Yoga had changed my life and it can change your life too if you give it a chance.

Before we go, let me thank you for being here.

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May The Bliss be with you.


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