Finding The Bliss - Inspiration for meaningful and purposeful life
  • Coaching is a relationship between your coach and you. 
  • You are the expert in your life. Coaching helps you connect to you, your wisdom and take action to create the life you really want.
  • Coaching is 100% Confidential & Non-Judgemental.
  • A coaching relationship entails Two-way Confidentiality.
  • Coaching is NOT advice/counselling/therapy.
  • Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes.” – Sir John Whitmore, (Coaching for Performance, 2009)



Coaching is for you if you are ready, willing, and able to:

  • Take full  responsibility for your choices, your actions, and your life in general.
  • Have a positive and optimistic outlook on life.
  • Let go of values and beliefs that no longer serve you.
  • Discover and align with your true values and beliefs.
  • Look within and without to find creative solutions to help you achieve your goals.
  • Most importantly, coaching is for you if you are ready, willing, and able to TAKE ACTION!


    My coaching philosophy follows the humanistic approach that sees humans as a whole and attributes them the capacity and responsibility to fulfil their potential and maximize their well-being.

    In addition to traditional coaching methods, I like to draw on the wisdom of eastern cultures to tap into presence and intuition. Being present, alert and connected to your inner wisdom is key to making decisions that honour you.

    You can change your life, or aspects of it, simply by choosing to change, committing to it and taking action.


    STEP 1 - Email of intention + Free Discovery Call

    This is your first step toward self-empowerment!

    You will send me an email mentioning your intention to start our coaching process.

    Included in this email you will tell me:

    – Where you are located;

    – The best time to schedule your first 1:1 online coaching call. This first call will be free of charge;

    – Which is your preferred video conference method: Zoom, Facetime or WhatsApp.

    When we book your first free coaching session, I will send you a Life Assessment Excercise, which you must complete prior to our call.

    STEP 2 - Payment

    After our first call, if you feel that my method works for you and you wish to proceed with paid coaching sessions, I will send you details for payment of the desired program/package.

    Payment will be made via PayPal, Wise, MB Way (Portugal) or bank transfer.


    STEP 3 - Schedule + First Assignment

    Upon receipt of payment, I will contact you to schedule our next online session.

    At this stage, I will send you a Lifestyle Questionnaire which you will need to answer prior to our following session.

    STEP 4 - Initial Life & Lifestyle Assessment + Your Goals

    During our first sessions, we will go over your answers to your Life Assessment excercise and the Lifestyle Questionnaire.

    The combination of these two exercises will enable me to understand the state of your overall health and wellness.

    By the end of this session, based on your needs and goals, we will define the frequency of our sessions.

    To be effective, sessions should be held once a week, or every other week, in order to maintain focus and momentum.

    STEP 5 - Coaching process

    From then on, depending on which coaching option you chose, I will send you a personalised workbook which may include a combination of exercises, tools and practices.

    These assignments should be completed prior to our following coaching session. In some cases, we can do them together during our session.

    STEP 6 - Closure

    The coaching process will terminate either at the end of a specific program, or once you feel confident to continue your journey toward your goals.


    • I will help you set, clarify and maintain focus on your goals.
    • I will hold you accountable – for what you say you’re going to do.
    • I will help you establish your own solutions & strategies.
    • I will encourage, support & believe in you even when you may not!
    • I will challenge you and help you recognize where you may be holding yourself back. Together, we will raise your self-awareness.


    • To be honest and open (and to tell me when you can’t be).
    • Willing to adopt a more positive outlook on self and life.
    • Ready to be fully accountable for your life, decisions, and actions.
    • You are responsible for your results. Success is directly related to your commitment and the effort you make.


    Well-being Motto

    As your live coach and personal growth mentor, I will help you achieve greater fulfilment and well-being by guiding you in your journey of self-discovery, empowerment and action.

    We will start by making an assessment of the present state of your life and lifestyle, looking at your life and wellness as a whole, including various aspects of your life that have an important impact on your overall well-being.

    Then, we will work together on the best plan to help you achieve your goals.

    In the process, I will help you to clarify your life vision and develop a positive and confident mindset.

    My ultimate goal is to contribute to your improved life and well-being.


    I’m a dedicated life coach, passionate about personal development and committed to helping others find their path to fulfillment. My educational background includes a BA in International Management from Franklin University Switzerland, along with a minor in Spanish from Villanova University. Additionally, I have earned various certificates and diplomas in coaching, health, and wellness, showcasing my continuous learning journey in these fields.

    With a solid foundation in business and marketing, I’ve developed strong interpersonal skills and effective project management abilities. My professional journey as a project manager, team leader, and business developer has provided me with valuable human and organizational insights, enabling me to assess situations, set meaningful goals, and guide clients toward positive transformations.

    Over the past 20 years, I’ve dedicated myself to personal growth, allowing me to understand the nuances of holistic wellness and human psychology. My aim is to assist you in achieving your wellness goals and bringing balance into your life.

    I am confident in my ability to support you on your journey, drawing from my expertise and personal wisdom. Together, let’s work towards a life marked by balance, fulfillment, and genuine joy.

    Education / Certifications

    Transformation Academy

    US-based online learning platform – certified/accredited courses.

    • Professional Life Coach Certification
    • Purpose Quest Workshop Facilitator Certification
    • Yoga Life Coach Certification

    Centre of Excellence

    UK-based online learning platform – certified/accredited courses.

    Wageningen University & Research

    World-leading institution for nutrition and agriculture research, in the Netherlands.


      World Leaders in Personal Growth. (Check here.)

      Franklin University Switzerland

        Ongoing Continued Education

        (To be completed in 2024)

        • Master Life Coach
        • 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training


        When you are lost, you can be found.

        With immigrating to Portugal and struggling with culture differences and trying to find my work space, finding Luciana and her coaching services was just what I needed to find purpose again. She helped me align my thinking, remember my strengths and what makes me unique along with skills like meditation, breathing exercises and other tools to help with my anxiety and find peace with my new world decision. With two months of sessions and amazing inner work exercises, I was able to recalibrate and go back out into the workspace with a new set of talents and beliefs that helped me land a top executive role and she even inspired me to negotiate for a higher salary and be bold and brave. Her empathy and constant check-ins were just what I needed and I never felt alone and always felt like I had a super motivator on my team and always felt loved and supported.

        Michelle Watt

        Branding, Communications and Marketing Expert

        Awesome coach

        In a challenging phase of my life, Luciana was an important partner, an amazing coach! Luciana is very professional, reliable, and kind. The challenging exercises in Finding the Bliss will make you ponder, and question, and bring you moments of self-discovery. We always started with a moment of check-in, a breathing exercise, which brings focus and presence to the moment of our session, and it was amazing to be fully connected to the present moment. Customized sessions, tips, books, and many more great references. Progress is not linear, nor is it perfect, but it is always evolving for the best! I also know that I had the opportunity to meet a very special person, a citizen of the world! 💙🧘‍♀️

        Lúcia Abreu

        Industrial Designer

        Finding the way, in a sharp and tender way

        "Luciana has been helping me to find the best path to work with my different skills. I have found the right balance to be independent as a freelancer. Now I have the courage to create more strategies and balance in life. She's awesome! xxx"

        Cláudia Soares

        Graphic Designer. Food Stylist. Multifaceted Creatrix.

        Outstanding communicator and host

        "Luciana, at Finding the Bliss, is highly dedicated to her work and consistently delivers high quality experiences. She is an oustanding communicator and host."

        Masha Kovacs

        Yoga and Feldenkrais Teacher, www.yogamasha.com