Face what isn’t working

Sometimes we have to face what isn’t working.⁠ ⁠

Above all, we must be honest with ourselves. Living in denial does not change anything.⁠ ⁠

Yes, it can be difficult, but by ignoring what isn’t working, it will not get any better, get solved or disappear.⁠ ⁠

If it is fixable, great. Do it. If not, let go NOW and put your energy where it can produce positive results.⁠ ⁠

Time is precious! 💎⁠

Check chapter 30 of  “The Success Principles” for some light into how to handle what isn’t working.⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠

Share this with a friend who need to face the facts.

May The Bliss be with you⁠,


PS - Need guidance for your Life Makeover? Check out Your Extraordinary Life Plan.

Suggested reading: The Success Principle, by Jack Canfield.


More life wisdom, life hacks and inspiration here.


📷 Photo taken in #SalvadordaBahia#Brazil . 🏝⁠