Finding the Bliss

Develop new success habits

Develop new success habits

Develop new success habits

As the saying goes “humans are animals of habits” and that is correct.⁠

What is also true is that good habits bring positive results and bad habits bring negative results.⁠

Habits define outcomes and achievements.⁠

So, habits can make us or break us, thus it is to our benefit to develop good habits that will move us forward and toward our goals.⁠

On chapter 34 of  The Success Principles, Jack Canfield indicates ways of identifying bad habits and replacing them by good ones.⁠

⁠Share this post with a friend who needs to get rid of bad habits and replace them by good ones.⁠

May The Bliss be with you⁠,


PS - Need guidance for your Life Makeover? Check out Your Extraordinary Life Plan.

Suggested reading: The Success Principle, by Jack Canfield.


More life wisdom, life hacks and inspiration here.


📷 Photo #ArraialDajuda #Brazil🇧🇷 🏝⁠

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