Broken pieces can be mended

Broken pieces can be mended

When our heart feels scattered into millions of tiny pieces there is a magic glue that can piece it all back together.

This glue is made of gratitude, positivity, focus, compassion, faith, patience and love.

Good or bad, nothing is eternal. With that in mind, we must find tools to deal with life’s undesirable surprises.

Awareness that our lives are perfect just the way they are is the first step. No matter what is happening in our lives, it is what we need to learn, become stronger and progress on our path.

May The Bliss be with you
Luciana P. Moraes


Self Development

About The Author

Luciana is a certified Master Life, Transformation and Mindset Coach, yoga teacher, meditation coach, and personal growth mentor. She is passionate about health, wellness and personal growth. She loves helping women in midlife to rediscover their new soul-inspired purpose, regain their sense of identity, own their age with pride, and build mental and physical strength and flexibility. A citizen of the world who has reinvented herself in midlife, Luciana's message is: "It’s never too late to start living the life you desire and deserve".

Holistic Life Coaching - Luciana

Hi there, I'm Luciana,

If you are looking to improve your mindset, boost your self-confidence and vitalityraise your vibration, AND you are yoga-curious, you have landed in the right place!

I am The Midlife Bliss coach and yoga teacher, passionate about empowering women in midlife.

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