Bliss is a state of mind
Bliss is a state of mind.
As the Dalai Lama explains in the book The Art of Happiness, “the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness”.
For a long time, I didn’t understand the feeling of bliss. It was a very remote concept that I observed in others and desired for myself. But I didn’t understand where it came from, or what triggered it.
Only after actively looking for answers did I find my way into what I now perceive to be a state of bliss.
In my experience, the state of bliss is a sub-product of happiness, which, in turn, stems from a combination of actions and attitudes.
These attitudes include primarily gratitude and compassion.
(See last week’s Food for the Soul post about the basics of gratitude.)
This is when awareness and consciousness come into play. If we are consciously aware and grateful for the good things in our lives, we feel good and fulfilled. When taken to a higher level, this ecstatic feeling is bliss itself.
On a more practical side, meditation keeps the mind calm, clear and focused, making space for lasting blissful moments.
Ever heard the expression “I’m high on life”?
I now understand that bliss is not about a permanent peek, as that would be unrealistic given life’s daily challenges. Instead, bliss is a state of mind, triggered from within our innermost passions and desires.
Ultimately, bliss is a state of mind that puts us in an ecstatic state of grace.
Suggested reading: The Art of Happiness
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