Finding the Bliss

Be grateful for good things

Be grateful - Food for the Soul - Featured

Be grateful for the good things

Be grateful.

On my self-development journey, one of the most powerful tools I have encountered is the practice of gratitude.

Waking up with a vivid feeling of gratitude for being alive is the first step for a good day.

Be grateful for the clean air you breathe, health, food, water, shelter, and the clothes and shoes you wear.

If you are part of the fortunate minority of who enjoys these benefits, you are better off than most.

When we look to the side of our reality, we realize that for the vast majority of this world these are luxuries.

We take so many things for granted…

Be grateful for having these basic things and whatever else you have in your life. Maybe it’s education, or wealth allowing you to purchase what you need and wish for. Or maybe you have the opportunity to travel and experience new cultures.

Whatever you have in your life, be grateful for it.

So you had a bad day because things did not turn out as you wished or expected. Whatever it was that made your day less than what you wished for, release it.

Concentrate on the good things, then, just be grateful for them.

I have lived an extremely privileged life in many aspects, yet for the majority of my life, I was sad and frustrated. I couldn’t see beyond my personal experience.

Only when I learned to look around and be grateful for all I have had, and all the opportunities I encountered, (many of which I chose not to take), did I understand the power of gratitude.

I have learned that even in the worst cases, there is always something good to be extracted from experiences. Just as a snake’s venom can be part of its antidote, so can apparently negative situations be part of a blessing in disguise.

Gratitude is such a magical remedy.

Suggested reading: The Art of Happiness


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