If this sounds like you, join me in Portugal, at the Orange Bloom Homestead & Guesthouse to unwind, disconnect, relax, and recharge, while figuring out what steps to take next.
The Orange Bloom Homestead & Guesthouse provides the safe place you need to reconnect with yourself while enjoying nature.
You will stay in cosy private accomodations, with your own kitchenette and private porch overlooking fresh green lawn.
When you join me at Orange Bloom Homestead and Guesthouse, you will start your days inspired by a symphony of chirping birds that honour us daily with their visit.
As you open your bedroom window, you will bathe in the peaceful vibes of the premisses and the scents of the seasons.
Sitting on your porch, or by the salt-water swimming pool, you will enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, in gratitude for taking well deserved time for yourself.
Check availability to stay at the Orange Bloom Homestead & Guesthouse.
When sending your booking request to the Orange Bloom Homestead & Guesthouse, state your intention to have 1:1 VIP Coaching Sessions during your stay.
Included in your message you will tell me where you are located.
After you book your free discovery coaching session, you will go to the Life Assessment page and complete the evaluation, at least 24 hours before our call.
During our discovery call, I will explain to you how the 1:1 VIP Coaching Program works and we will go over your answers to your Life Assessment Evaluation.
Your answers to this exercise will enable me to understand the state of your overall well-being and, most importantly, will help you identify your priority for the 1:1 VIP Coaching Program.
By the end of this session, based on your needs and goals, we will define which aspect, or aspects, of your life we will be working on during your stay at the Orange Bloom Homestead & Guesthouse.
After our first call, if you feel that my method works for you and you wish to proceed with 1:1 VIP Coaching Program during your stay with us, I will send you details for payment.
Full payment of your 1:1 VIP Coaching Program must be made at least 60 calendar days before to your arrival.
(Your stay and coaching program will be paid separately.)
Payment Methods: PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer. (Proof of payment must be sent by email.)
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your 1:1 VIP Coaching Program up to 30 calendar days before your arrival for full refund. As an alternative, you may use the amount paid toward one of the 1:1 online coaching programs.
Upon payment, based on the priorities you will have identified during the discovery call, I will personalize a coaching program to help guide you towards your goals.
In a peaceful and safe environment, surrounded by nature, we will work together on this program during your stay at the Orange Bloom Homestead & Guesthouse.
During your stay, our work will be based on a personalized workbook which may include a combination of exercises, tools and practices.
Between our coaching sessions, I may ask you to complete assignments which should be completed prior to the next session. In some cases, we can do them together during our session.
By the end of your Solo Retreat, should you feel the need to continue our work together, we will discuss the possibility of doing so online.
BONUS: Because your well-being is my mission, and I want to see you thrive, before you leave, we will book a bonus 60-minute coaching call to check on your progress.
Are you ready to embrace the next chapter of your life with clarity, a vision, a plan and confidence to go after what your heart desires?
Start by booking your Solo Retreat.
Let’s work together!
* Not included in the stay. Contact us for more details and prices.
Hi there, I'm Luciana,
If you are looking to improve your mindset, boost your self-confidence and vitality, raise your vibration, AND you are yoga-curious, you have landed in the right place!
I am The Midlife Bliss coach and yoga teacher, passionate about empowering women in midlife.
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