Meet Faith Canter
Faith Canter left Scotland to start a new life not realising that the Universe had very different plans for her than what she expected.
After struggling for several years with various health issues she started blogging about her healing journey.
Unexpectedly, her blog opened the door to many new exciting opportunities.
Meet Faith Canter.
From Scotland to Portugal

LPM: Faith, before we get into the miríade of things you have accomplished recently, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from and what were you going before you moved to Portugal?
LPM: You have already published a few books. What are your books about and what inspired you to become a writer?
As I tried new things and started to recover I started blogging about my healing journey and people started following what I was doing.
Then people suggested I write a book, but as I was dyslexic and my grasp of the English language was not great I thought this was an insane idea. However I entered a Hay House book writing competition and was awarded second place and they paid for my first book, Living A Life Less Toxic to be published.
This book was basically a collection of many of my blogs. It’s all about reducing toxins in our bodies, homes and environment and includes heaps of recipes for healthy food and cosmetics alike and also guidelines for techniques to reduce mental toxins.
I have another two detox style books out and one about self-love too. I found that the people that were struggling to do healthy things for themselves didn’t lack will-power, they lacked self-love instead, so I started working on this with people (by this time I was a health coach).

LPM: Do you have any book on the way?
LPM: You are presently living in Portugal. What made you choose this country?

LPM: What would you say are the pros and cons of living in Portugal, from a foreigner’s perspective.
Con’s: It’s a much slower pace of life that can take some getting used to if you are a ‘doer’. I find the language is quite hard to learn and it can be very dry and there can be many large scary fires in the summer months.
LPM: What is Project Roots Portugal and how did it come about?
LPM: You are also a coach. What type of coaching do you practice?
LPM: What is next on your plans?

LPM: With so many projects going on, where do you find your bliss?
You can follow Faith Canter on Instagram and Facebook, Youtube and don’t forget to check her website.
Check these interviews for more inspiring stories of people who realized that it is “never too late to find your bliss”.
May The Bliss be with you,
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