Finding the Bliss

100 Lessons learned in 50 years

Personal Growth - 100 Lessons learned in 50 years
It would make this a very long post if I were to list all lessons I have learned in 50 years. Nonetheless, I started 2020 with an urge to share at least some of my half-century of life experience. (lol)

For this reason, in January, exactly seven months before my fiftieth, I started my list.

I just allowed thoughts to flow into my mind and out into paper (well, actually into my iPhone’s Notes!).

The result was the list below with the first one hundred lessons I learned in 50 years.

They are not numbered in any particular order. I am giving you the original, unedited version.

Here they are:

100 Lessons learned in 50 years

  1. Know who you are – not what you are.
  2. Be grateful for whatever life gives you – there is a reason for that.
  3. Learn to breathe properly – most of us think it’s only about inhaling and exhaling in any random way.
  4. Take time to meditate – only practice can show you its immense benefits.
  5. Learn to quickly shift to positive thoughts – life takes on a new light when you master this technique.
  6. Practice yoga – it ill help you be flexible, balanced and focused… and makes you feel really good!
  7. Learn to relax. (Hint: knowing how to breathe properly is key to proper relaxation)
  8. Learn to release any negative feelings and emotions (yoga and meditation can help here).
  9. Understand the concept of “flow” (Homework: Google Zen Buddhism)
  10. Don’t dwell on the past – learn what you need to learn and move on.
  11. Live in the present moment – this is where life happens!
  12. Be optimistic about the future.
  13. Set goals – otherwise, you will be roaming without direction.
  14. Have the guts to ask questions, even the inconvenient ones. 
  15. Master the 3 p’s: patience, persistence, perseverance 
  16. Be flexible – in mind and body.
  17. Eat healthily – pretty obvious! 
  18. Invest in healthy food instead of in medicine – as Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
  19. Maintain a cardio fitness routine – your heart, and your mind, need it.
  20. Keep your muscles strong – exercise and yoga do the job.
  21. Floss – never underestimate healthy gums and teeth!
  22. Know your strengths – they are your power.
  23. Value your strengths – this is your fuel.
  24. Have an opened heart.
  25. Work on your relationships, if they matter to you, otherwise, let them go.
  26. You cannot change anyone – people change if and when they want.
  27. Things are just things.
  28. Time heals – or at least it helps make it better.
  29. Do everything in your power to overcome your traumas otherwise, they will hold you back (extremely important).
  30. Get rid of your limiting beliefs about yourself.
  31. Focus on your goals – just setting goals is not good enough. 
  32. Keep your dreams well alive… and they may become your future!
  33. Laugh at yourself – yes, you are silly, goofy and clumsy sometimes. So what? You are only human!
  34. Travel as much as you can – always with respect for the cultures you encounter. It will expand your heart.
  35. Invest in yourself – its dividends are paid in countless ways. 
  36. Tame your ego – it is your worst enemy.
  37. Be compassionate – try to always look with the eyes of the heart.
  38. Forgive – holding grudges can make you sick.
  39. Forget – not letting go can also make you sick.
  40. Give unconditionally – expectations sabotage the act of giving.
  41. Wish good morning to everyone you see – even if they don’t!
  42. Genuine smiles have incredible power.
  43. Stay away for toxic people – if you love them, give space to avoid contamination!
  44. Listen to your intuition – it is your best friend.
  45. Harness the power of visualisation – it’s not just a self-help mambo-jumbo. Trust me on that one. I am living very close to my visualised dream life right now!
  46. Don’t underestimate self-help books – they are much cheaper than a psychologist and at least give you some answers!
  47. Life happens offline.
  48. Spend time in nature – as much as you can.
  49. Walk barefoot – it helps you to connect with Mother Earth.
  50. Take time to be with yourself – alone with your thoughts.
Quality of life and true meaning surges when we stop and allow ourselves to feel.
51. Pamper yourself – whatever that means to you. 

52. Listen more; talk less. (Thank you Luis Lima for this priceless lesson!)

53. Do good – this takes many forms and also comes back in many unpredicted forms.

54. Know your vitamins and which ones you truly need (multivitamins are often not the way!)

55. Listen to your body – it tells you what it does or does not need. 

56. Know your herbs – and try to stay off pills!

57. Avoid antibiotics – they will exterminate your microbiota (the friendly and extremely useful inhabitants in your gut).

58. Take care of your gut – your health depends upon it.

59. Move your body – not necessarily exercise. Just move to your rhythm. Dance, jump, run, do some gardening, whatever makes your happy and gets you off your butt!

60. There are no miracle diets – just eat healthily, exercise and take care of your mind!

61. You don’t need most pills the supplements industry tries to sell you.

62. Your body is your temple. Respect it.

63. More than health insurance, you need a healthy lifestyle.

64. Don’t take sh**t from people.

65. Be financially independent

66. Start saving as soon as you start earning.

67. Don’t compromise your freedom for comfort

68. To make it happen you have to take action.

69. To see change do things differently

70. Find what makes you happy.

71. Be humbly and silently proud of your achievements.

72. Passion fades, love grows.

73. Anxiety is venom to mind, body and soul.

74. We are here to learn and evolve

75. The other side of arrogance is insecurity. 

76. The other side of vanity is insecurity.

77. The other side of prejudice is insecurity.

78. The other side of aggressiveness is fear.

79. The other side of fear is the projection of the unknown.

80. We all have traumas – they influence who we become, but they don’t have to become who we are.

81. Nothing is permanent – good or bad.

82. Just because you know the theory doesn’t mean you can put it into practice.

83. If you don’t look at your neighbour’s garden you won’t think his/her grass is greener – take care of your own garden!

84. Keep your friends close – they are more precious than gold.

85. Difficult people were put in your life to help you learn to overcome challenges – so I have come to believe.

86. There are some things we just cannot explain.

87. Travels help us broaden our horizons, increase our tolerance and understand differences – if we are flexible and open-hearted.

88. “Me first” can be an altruistic attitude.

89. Most of us fall into marketing traps, whether we like to admit it or not.

90. Money is good when used with good intentions. 

91. Filter what you read, hear and watch – the world is full of BS and unproven claims and theories.

92. A title does not guarantee knowledge, competence and ethics.

93. People who you think you know well may surprise you when you least expect – for better, or for worst!

94. When life goes the way you want, look to the side.

95. Don’t put people on a pedestal – it is a way of undermining yourself.

96. When someone shows you their nasty side, believe them. 

97. Don’t judge.

98. Don’t care about what other people think about you – you are the one who needs to live with your actions.

99. Allow yourself to love – people, animals, nature – otherwise, life feels empty and gloomy

100. If we don’t take care of planet earth now, in a truly committed way, the (near) future may be a very unbearable place to live.


Well, this is it!

This is the short-list of what I learned in 50 years!

In truth, turning fifty felt like a rebirth.

I am now powered by wisdom and am fully equipped to embrace what Chapter II of this wonderful and gifted life has to offer me.

 Now it is time to truly LIVE.

 Can you list 100 life lessons you have learned so far?

 Let me know what important lessons I have missed so we can all benefit from your wisdom.

 May The Bliss be with you!



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